
Memorial Park, Fallen Warriors Monument

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The Story

Memorial Park’s Fallen Warriors monument is dedicated to the Texas men and women who lost their lives fighting the war on terror. It was designed to create a moving experience for visitors. Walking through the site, you’ll read their names, hear the music, and see the American flags. A lot of time was dedicated to getting the sound and visual installations just right.

The Challenge

Manual management takes time. Roll-called names had to be done from a distance. There was a set schedule with designated staff responsible for activating these elements.

The Solution

The solution? Automate. Automate. Automate. Our team designed and installed systems that allowed remote access and operating. In short, anyone could update anything from a distance. This made it simple to turn the volume up or down, on or off. If the roll call needed to be updated, that could happen from anywhere in the world. This saved hours of labor and created ease in operation. Thumb drives with music could be turned on with the simple click of a button. Recurring sound bites were scheduled to go off in sync – as intended.

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Products We Used

Kramer Control allows the system to be controlled from an app anywhere in the world. 

Sound-Machine licensed music for business allows music to be changed depending on the situation. Soft background music for normal day to day use, patriotic music for an event. 

Brightsign digital media player allows the roll call to be updated remotely. 

This is the perfect example of how technology can improve day-to-day life. Instead of having to travel to the site for simple tasks, like turning down the music at the end of the day, these changes can be scheduled and automated. Reliability of the system has been increased with no need to travel to the site to restart hardware.
— Adam, Brightengale