Our Specialties:
• IT Support
• Building Automation
• IoT
• VoIP
We all rely on connected devices, software, and networks to do business. That said, we offer basic IT support and so much more.
Our team looks at your business’ IT system as a whole to find out what gaps exist, what caused the issue in the first place, and what are some areas of improvement. More often than not, our customers have a variety of gadgets on separate networks that do not communicate with one another. We like to help those gadgets find a common language to live their lives to the fullest.
For example, one office building alone can include heating and cooling automation, smart metering and off-site monitoring, battery backup systems, and reactive lighting. At the same time, it contains desks stacked with laptops, phones, and tablets. If that sounds like your business environment, we provide ongoing technical support for the entire setup―a holistic management system.