Why Some Technology Manufacturers Only Work with AV Integrators?

Why some technology manufacturers only work with AV Integrators.png

Though there are many commercial manufacturers of goods and services, not all of them are accessible to consumers directly. In fact, most will say that you need to go through a dealer, like Brightengale, in order to purchase their products. This is very common in our world of audio visual technology. Why is that? As with most projects, it comes down to the quality (training), time, and cost.

Let’s explore the three main reasons manufacturers want you to use a professional installation company:


#1 Training

Some products require special training for installation. As a manufacturer, you improve quality control of the installation process by requiring exclusive certifications and trainings. A lot of time it’s about managing risk, as we are dealing with heavy equipment that is technical. Manufacturers are not installers. Therefore, for commercial use, you will always need to have someone to put the system in.

The technology simply will not work the same if it is not installed properly. This is another reason the manufacturers usually go through a professional integrator service or a company that specializes in audio visual technology. This is why it's so important to choose a reputable company when you're looking to have audio visual equipment installed. Make sure they have the proper training and certification before hiring.


#2 Time

As any business owner knows, developing and maintaining strong relationships with suppliers is essential to success. Audio visual integrators are no different. By having set supplier and relationships, it allows for companies to work more efficiently. When we are tasked in designing a system for a business, we can pick which products would fit the project best based on cost and functionality.

In some cases, we can leverage the relationship for a better deal (as we buy wholesale) or design something custom for our client. A lot of the manufacturers actually will do system design, if you ask them to. It will only be for their aspect of the system. The catch is that if there are other speakers or equipment in the venue, the manufacturer will not integrate with other products.

#3: Cost

It's simply more expensive and time-consuming for manufacturers to sell directly to consumers. Instead, they would rather sell to professional audio visual companies, who then recommend (and sell) their products directly to their customers. In addition, a professional integrator can offer installation and filter any questions that come up. Again, manufactures are not installers. This also goes back to the training and time required when working with other businesses directly.

That's not to say that manufacturers never sell directly to consumers - in some cases, it may be the only way to get the product you want. But for the most part, it's more efficient for everyone involved if manufacturers stick to selling through wholesalers and retailers.

Curious about exclusive products?

Whether you are looking to design a new system or upgrade what you have now, we can help explore all available options. Give us a call (713) 589-8825 or schedule an appointment with Adam.
